Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Reality

A Reality / Fernando Damaso
Posted on June 16, 2015

Fernando Damaso, 1 June 2015 — The reestablishment of relations of all
types (not just diplomatic) is a reality being constructed step by step,
in accordance with the situation at each moment of each party implicated
in it. For some, the process is going very slowly, and for others, it is
proceeding at the only pace it can. Getting Cubans to agree on anything
has always been difficult. Regardless, this thing is happening, and to
deny it would be absurd. Besides, I don't believe that, even given
aggressive statements and temporary hysterics, there is any going backward.

What is important now? To work at shaping the new civil society,
unifying the dispersed remains of the one that was destroyed,
transforming the totalitarian-governmental into the
independent-democratic, and incorporating into it the new components
that have arisen this century.

Only a true civil society, wherein all the nation's subjects, without
exclusions of any kind, will be able to ensure the establishment of a
government "with all and for the good of all," as José Martí* advised,
and allow the development of productive forces and of the country, where
everyone–regardless of how they think–contributes his/her best for the
good of Cuba.

The task is not simple, for it demands sowing and cultivating our
citizenry's lost public-spiritidness, and uprooting our screaming
fanaticism and double standard, as well as the dogmatisms and
extremisms, which have so harmed us.

Translated by: Alicia Barraqué Ellison

Translator's Notes:

*The author is quoting from a speech by Jose Martí, "Con todos y para el
bien de todos," given on 26 November, 1891, in Tampa, Florida.

Source: A Reality / Fernando Damaso | Translating Cuba -

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