Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lay a wreath for me when Cuba is free -- Farinas

Lay a wreath for me when Cuba is free -- Farinas
Saturday, March 13, 2010

GDANSK, Poland (AFP) — Cuban dissident hunger striker Guillermo Farinas
has asked Polish anti-communist icon Lech Walesa to lay a wreath on his
grave when Cuba is free, the former Polish president told AFP.

The two spoke by telephone on Thursday, several hours before Farinas was
hospitalised in critical condition after losing consciousness in his
third week of fasting to win the release of 26 political prisoners who
are in need of medical treatment.

"I was concerned, I tried to convince him to break off the hunger
strike. I told him that in order to build a free Cuba they will need
people like him alive," said Walesa, who led the Solidarity trade union
that defied and ultimately defeated communist rule in Poland.

But Walesa said the 48-year-old cyberjournalist was adamant in
continuing his hunger strike.

"He replied: 'if I die, I ask you to lay a wreath on my grave when Cuba
is free'."

Farinas, who had steadfastly refused medical treatment, lost
consciousness several hours later and was hospitalised in his home town
of Santa Clara, around 175 miles east of Havana.

He has vowed to press ahead "to the end" with his protest fast, which he
began February 24, the day after political prisoner Orlando Zapata died
on the 85th day of his own hunger strike.

Lay a wreath for me when Cuba is free -- Farinas - Breaking & Current
Jamaica News - (13 March 2010)

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