Saturday, March 10, 2012

Congratulations Women Bloggers! / Reinaldo Escobar

Congratulations Women Bloggers! / Reinaldo Escobar
Reinaldo Escobar, Translator: Unstated

For many years March 8, International Women's Day, meant for many of us
the opportunity to conclude out work duties before the official time and
the promise of a little party in the workplace. On leaving home, in the
bus, or arriving anywhere, one offered a Congratulations! half formal,
half authentic.

I would love to have a Day of Men, among other reasons, so that the idea
of equality made more sense. But until someone finds a suitable date for
the masculine celebrations, I want to congratulate today all the women
and especially the women bloggers. If I had a talent for poetry would
take a stab at a "Triumphal March of the Cuban Alternative Bloggers,"
but I will not even try.

What would I say, then? I would mention Miriam Celaya, that flagellator
of tyrants, with acute ideas and the precise word; Rebecca Monzo, our
carnival star with her bittersweet and fun humor; Lía Villares, so
playful, so creative, so herself; Regina Coyula, who left "the
intelligence" for what an intelligent and good person she is; Esperanza
Rodriguez, who always reminds us of our rights and teaches us to defend
them; Claudia Cadelo, despite her already long vacation; Ana Luisa Rubio
and her moon full of dreams and kindnesses; Laritza Diversent, showered
in the law and in architraves; Rosa Maria Rodriguez, for her barefoot
roses without thorns; Katia Sonia Martín, bellicose and happy with her
twin girls; Wendy Iriepa, who fought so hard to celebrate this blessed
day; Liliane Ruiz, recent and ancient, premiering the word in a luminous
form; and of course, the skinny one, the multiple-prize-winner, "the
worst of them all," who initiated us into the guts of WordPress, to
Yoani Sanchez, whom I had the enormous pleasure of waking up with a kiss
this morning.

8 March 2012

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