Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Audit finds low morale at Office of Cuba Broadcasting

Audit finds low morale at Office of Cuba Broadcasting

WASHINGTON -- Low morale still plagues the Office of Cuba Broadcasting,
the U.S. government organization responsible for Radio and TV Marti, a
new audit finds.

In a partially redacted report dated July 7, based on employee
interviews conducted last year, the State Department's Office of
Inspector General cited morale as among the pressing challenges facing
the Cuban broadcasting operations.

"Some of the reasons cited for low morale included the lack of
transparency in decisionmaking, the inability to offer suggestions, and
the lack of effective communication," the audit states. "Others were
concerned about raising any issues to the inspection team because of
fear of retaliation by management."

Lynne Weil, spokesperson for the Broadcasting Board of Governors, said
in an interview Monday afternoon that "we concur overall" with the
recommendations made in the inspector general's report, and said "the
work of the OIG will help" the Cuban broadcasting office improve.

"Numerous steps have already been taken to address these issues," Weil
said, adding that "the head of the office has heard (the concerns) loud
and clear."

Auditors further cited "security deficiencies" at the broadcasting
organization's Miami office, though certain details were redacted. Weil
said "the agency is still working on" security revisions. The office's
formal written response was not included in the report issued Monday.

The problems were identified in inspection visits between September and
November of 2013, conducted in Washington, D.C. and in Miami, Florida,
as well as at the office's transmitting station in Marathon, Fla., and
the Naval Air Station in Key West.

The broadcast services provide Spanish-language news, features, and
entertainment programs to Cuba. In addition to radio and television, the
office operates a website, www.martinoticias.com.

Official with the Office of Cuba Broadcasting told auditors they were
surprised at the morale complaints. Officials noted that in a 2013
Office of Personnel Management's Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, OCB
employees gave high scores in categories of work experience, leadership,
and supervisors.

The 29-page audit countered that morale was not specifically asked about
in the 2013 OPM survey.

"Senior management needs to take additional steps to allow employees to
offer suggestions and communicate with them effectively without fear of
reprisal or intimidation," the audit states.

The auditors, though, also commended the Cuban broadcasting office for
certain improvements, including assurances that "journalistic standards
are followed." The office was further praised for maintaining "good
working relationships with various U.S. federal agencies," including the
State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the
Department of Defense.

Source: WASHINGTON: Audit finds low morale at Office of Cuba
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