Saturday, October 8, 2011

Disproportion / Rebeca Monzo

Disproportion / Rebeca Monzo
Rebeca Monzo, Translator: Espirituana

Once more a phrase comes to mind, that famous one of Generalissimo
Máximo Gómez, the Dominican who fought in our wars of independence, when
he said in reference to us Cubans that we either didn't get there or
went too far.

The authorities on our planet seem to have gone overboard in the media
regarding the honors paid to the recently deceased Julio Casas
Regueiro*. I am not going to speak of his numerous military merits, as I
am ignorant in that matter, and I do not question them. I am only
saying that, as I see it, there has been some exaggeration.

The death occurred last Friday, September 3rd, and today, Wednesday the
7th, the media are still covering the topic in depth. Even the newspaper
Granma, which I don't usually buy but today I did, as I was startled to
see it all in black. The first thought that came to my mind was: Good
heavens, it seems like my planet has also run out of red ink! The truth
is that if our emotions keep rising, we may soon have an issue totally
in black, like a by now obsolete sheet of carbon paper.

*Translator's note: Julio Casas Regueiro was previously Deputy Minister
of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in charge of Economic Activity. When
Raul Castro succeeded Fidel Castro as head of state, he replaced Raul as
Minister of Defense, the post he held at the time of his death, along
with that of Vice-President of the Council of State.

Translated by: Espirituana

September 7 2011

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